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来源:技术文章    更新时间:2015-12-22    浏览:1460次



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标签:电压击穿试验仪  介电击穿强度试验仪 耐电压强度击穿试验仪  电气强度试验机 



采集工频220V电压输入给调压器然后调压器根据采集电压慢慢调节输出给小型变压器输入端采集调压器输出端电压通过一定的比例变出高压电压输出给高压头加压到式样表面通过不断加压达到击穿的目的  击穿后上位机软件会记录当前数值高压电压会导通式样下方的电极(负极)流经大地(所以在做实验中接地线非常重要) 完整的试验环节就做完了 。






GB14082006 GB T16952005 GB/T3333  HG/T3330 /GB12656 /ASTM D149 .



绝缘材料电气强度试验  硫化橡胶工频电压击穿强度和耐电压强度试验  电缆纸工频电压击穿试验  绝缘漆漆膜击穿强度测定   电容器纸工频电压击穿试验   固体电绝缘材料在工业电源频率下的介电击穿电压和介电强度试验  



01、输入电压: 交流 220 V

02、输出电压: 交流 0--100 KV ;

               直流 0—100 KV



Voltage breakdown tester
This is Beijing this precision instrument equipment Co. Ltd. TechnologiesProviding prohibit copying
Tags: voltage breakdown tester dielectric breakdown strength tester resistance to voltage strength breakdown tester electrical strength test machine
Voltage breakdown testing instrument and its working principle the following detailed process:
To adjust the voltage regulator and voltage regulator voltage acquisition slowly adjust output to small input transformer acquisition terminal voltage regulator output voltage of a high voltage output to the high head pressure to surface patterns through continuous pressure to wear to breakdown strike after PC software will record the numerical value of the current high voltage conduction pattern beneath the electrode (anode) flows through the land (so in doing the experiment in grounding is very important) finish on the complete test link through a certain proportion according to the acquisition 220V 50Hz voltage signals fed a.
Finish the style should be power off and then open the door with a hand-held discharge rod discharge (discharge rod and high pressure head contact for two seconds) and then open the door to change the style.
Voltage breakdown tester is mainly used in the insulation strength test! Its working principle is finally reaches the breakdown voltage automatic appreciation purposes (such as a flashover phenomenon is a different matter) then records the breakdown voltage value by calculating the thickness to attack wear intensity values (where software can be automatically evaluated)
Voltage breakdown tester according to the following standards are the most common:
GB T16952005 GB/T3333 HG/T3330 /GB12656 /ASTM D149 GB14082006.
The corresponding name of the voltage breakdown tester is as follows:
Dielectric strength test of electrical strength of insulating materials - Test of power frequency voltage breakdown strength and resistance to voltage strength test cable paper power frequency voltage breakdown test of insulation paint film breakdown strength test of power frequency voltage breakdown test of dielectric breakdown of solid dielectric materials under industrial power frequency
Voltage breakdown tester technical indicators:
01, input voltage: AC 220 V
02, output voltage: AC KV 0--100;
DC 0 - 100 KV


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